A Tanács Főtitkársága
(GSC, Brüsszel, Belgium)
Seconded National Expert
GSC.ORG.5 Safety and Security Directorate, Information Assurance sector
Jelölési határidő: 2025. január 31.
The role requires a strong background in information assurance, with a particular focus on cryptography, and offers a dynamic environment where the expert will play a pivotal part in ensuring the security and integrity of EU information, including EU classified information. Working under the authority of the Head of Unit and the Head of the Information Assurance Sector, together with a collaborative team of 10 skilled colleagues, the expert will engage in critical tasks such as administering cryptographic approval processes, drafting robust security policies, conducting security assessments and collaborating with stakeholders across Member States and international organisations. This position not only demands technical expertise in areas such as cryptography and information risk management but also offers a platform to shape and safeguard the information assurance landscape of the EU. We are seeking a highly motivated expert with a proven track record in security policy, risk management and IT security evaluation.
The duration of the secondment will be two years, with the possibility of extending it to a maximum of four years in total. Please note that in accordance with Article 5 of Council Decision (EU) 2015/1027, the secondment could be extended for a further two years in exceptional cases.
Replies should be sent by email to the following address: ZseuqkpLmEaI2jFc2Vjb25kZWQubmF0aW9uYWwuZXhwZXJ0c0Bjb25zaWxpdW0uZXVyb3BhLmV1